Work and Learn Indiana is a program of the Institute for Workforce Excellence, a 501(c)3 subsidiary of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. Dedicated to helping Indiana attract, develop, and retain the Hoosier talent needed to drive a highly skilled and equitable workforce, this initiative seeks to create or expand high-quality experiential opportunities.
When this business advocacy organization approached us to help, we were happy to answer the call. After all, we’re a business in Indiana full to the brim with Hoosier talent. We have more than a passing interest in their success.

“Our mission at the Institute for Workforce Excellence is to prepare Indiana’s next generation workforce for the market challenges they’ll face at work. It’s vital to the future of the State that our businesses and industries will be able to count on the talent pool to meet and exceed the rapidly changing requirements for success. We believe that experiential learning is one of the most valuable tools available to meet this challenge, and it’s been significantly rewarding to create a platform that has been so successful.
“Working with Rare Bird has been similarly rewarding. They listen carefully and understand quickly, and they’ve been able to step into our experience in a way that assures us they understand our goals and are championing the efforts that are most effective in enhancing the skills of Indiana’s workers. Our work together has been uniquely beneficial for the students, businesses, and organizations who use the platform to optimize their experiential learning efforts.”

Where philosophy meets action, learning occurs.
We took over rebuilding the Work and Learn Indiana website several years ago and modernized the database and functionality to make it more robust for users, including a more efficient administration and reporting system. The site has experienced nearly continuous improvement over the last decade, whereby we frequently add new features and functions. The result is a dynamic and searchable database, matching, and reporting system that also provides resources and guidance. The Web Marketing Association recognized our effort by selecting this redesign as the recipient of the “Outstanding Website” award.