Tyner Pond Farm is a Rare Bird client, and on behalf of them and all those who support locally grown food, Hoosier farmers and all things good for Mother Earth, we invite you to give those great causes an important boost.

Chase Bank’s Mission Main Street Grants program will award grants of $250,000 each to 12 small businesses. In order to be in consideration for this grant, Tyner Pond Farm needs 250 votes by October 31. The only thing you need to vote is a Facebook account. And a computer. But mostly a desire to give a shot of adrenaline to a small business that’s really trying to have a big impact on how we eat.  Not that anyone at Tyner would ever give a shot of adrenaline to anything on their farm. Here’s a little info on the work being done by the good folks at TPF.

Cows, pigs and chickens are raised on this farm in Greenfield, IN, which started with purchase of acreage in 2010. Since that time, former corn fields have been transformed into a sustainable farming system where the animals are pasture-raised, roaming the fields and eating only the freshest, completely natural foods. The land is never subjected to pesticides. The animals are never treated with hormones or antibiotics, and they are raised to produce healthy, tasty, safe food for our community. TPF’s farming methods, while appearing to harken back to the days of yore, are actually made possible by the latest technology.

chase_bannerUnlike other methods of farming where artificial means are used to quickly produce meat, this type of farming method requires time, patience and resources. Your one vote could help this small business have a larger presence in the local food movement. Vote now.