“Now you have to decide whether you have anything to say that’s important to you, your customers, your prospects… your career. Go ahead, think it over. You’ve got four minutes.”

Still wondering if you should have a blog to help explain who you are, what your business is, how you help your customers? You may have heard that search engines like blogs and treat them like news, meaning that they index them fairly rapidly, especially if they find them to be relevant and actively. But you may not have known how rapidly this index takes place. Until now…

Anita Campbell writes in her Small Business Trends Blog that she witnessed an experiment while attending a conference called “Search Engine Marketing Made Simple”. In this experiment, the facilitator, Geoff Karcher, wrote a post on his blog that included the phase “search engine marketing made simple”. That post subsequently showed up in a Google search four minutes later.

Yes, you read that right. Not four days or even four hours. Four minutes. Suddenly, all of us have the potential to be as relevant as we choose to be and our messages can hit the market with blazing (prehaps frightening) speed.

Now, of course, you still need to decide whether you want to add your voice to the fray. Whether you have anything to say that’s important to you, your customers, your prospects… your career. Go ahead, think it over. You’ve got four minutes to decide.