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Like many of you, we’ve found ourselves away from the normal routines and rhythms of our workday. Life has shifted dramatically, and there’s no denying we’re in the midst of an incredibly challenging moment in history.  And yet.  We’re doing it. We’re adapting to the changes with the openness, empathy, and positivity we’ve believed in […]

Once upon a time in Indianapolis, everyone’s phones exploded with breaking news alerts and confused texts from friends, family, and fellow Colts fans. Andrew Luck was retiring from the NFL two weeks before the start of the regular season. And no, it wasn’t a joke or a rumor. There he was on TV moments later, […]

In the event you were not fully aware, culture is important. But as much as someone might try to convince you, your culture isn’t defined by ping pong tables, beer Friday, or cool swag. While those things can be fun and may help set a certain tone, your culture is more accurately a reflection of […]

I confess: I am a fall junkie, and I’m guessing a lot of you are, too. For us football fans, when the college and NFL seasons start, it’s like we’ve been sitting in the dark since February and somebody finally turned the lights back on. For baseball fans, it’s the beginning of post-season play and, […]

Welcome to Friday, wherever you are. Here in Indianapolis, the sun is shining and it’s going to be a beautiful evening. As you know, it’s been an unbelievably unbelievable week. Three tragic incidents in Orlando, Florida. Our hearts, as do the world’s, go out to everyone affected. While we’ve all had our individual moments of […]

Unless you live under a rock (and who doesn’t want to sometimes?) you know this past Memorial Day weekend was the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500. I’m about to use a word that I use sparingly and judiciously, because when you use it, it should really imply something monumental: epic. This event, and weekend, […]

If you regularly read our emails or blog posts (first, thank you!), you know that we tend to look at the world in some unconventional ways. A slight tilt to the head, like a dog puzzling over whether or not it’s worth the risk to grab that filet off the counter. Much like the dog, […]

Around here, change is a constant companion. When your days (and evenings — and some nights —) are spent in the inner workings of the internet, when you live in Indiana where the weather changes from 60° to snow seemingly overnight, when your football team goes from 13-3 to 3-13 (and sort of back again…) […]

Everyone is resolving to be better in the new year. Twitter is no exception.In the midst of laying off a large percentage of their staff (who ever said change was easy?), Twitter is pivoting to help make the service more relatable for new users and more useful for everyone. Two new features highlight this resolution: […]

In the iconic holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life,” Jimmy Stewart’s character George Bailey basically experiences a lifelong midlife crisis. We get it. When you’re in the trenches, and things don’t go exactly the way you thought they would, you (and by you we mean we) tend to get a bit scratchy around the edges. […]