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If you regularly read our emails or blog posts (first, thank you!), you know that we tend to look at the world in some unconventional ways. A slight tilt to the head, like a dog puzzling over whether or not it’s worth the risk to grab that filet off the counter. Much like the dog, […]

[Note: This guest post is authored by a certifiable “big brain” and friend of Rare Bird, Chip Neidigh. Chip is a graduate of the US Naval Academy, a former Marine Corps Officer, and a business owner specializing in helping leaders of organizations of all sizes become the best possible versions of themselves.]  I run a […]

Some said it couldn’t be done and, for a time, it was easy to believe it to be true. But a strange thing happened on the way to launching our new site: Ben casually remarked, “Well, it will need to be up before the holiday to get a Christmas bonus.” Wallah! [sic] The cobbler, it […]

Before you ask yourself “What? Queen?” let me explain. Normally you’d hear the phrase “Content is king,” but this particular piece is being written by a female. A female working in a predominantly male tech industry. So for at least today, ladies and gents, we are taking a page from the Brits: the queen rules. […]

A friend called recently and asked, “What’s the purpose of a web site?” He was in a conundrum. Faced with updating (and hopefully upgrading) his company’s site, he was overwhelmed with suggestions, requests, possibilities and options. He was frustrated, irritated and exasperated. His question, in this context, was intended to elicit a response that he […]

Here’s a statistic for you: More than half of the people reading email right now are doing so on a smartphone. (Source: Litmus) Here’s another one: 68% of Gmail and Yahoo emails are opened on mobile devices. (Source: Litmus) And finally: Both of those numbers are probably woefully underestimated since they are from 2013. (Source: […]

Tyner Pond Farm is a Rare Bird client, and on behalf of them and all those who support locally grown food, Hoosier farmers and all things good for Mother Earth, we invite you to give those great causes an important boost. Chase Bank’s Mission Main Street Grants program will award grants of $250,000 each to […]

Last year, about this time, I penned a brief primer intended to help people make the most of their trip to Indianapolis for Exact Target’s annual marketer-stravaganza, Connections. While initially intended for first-timers, it turned out to be helpful for veterans as well. In retrospect, this shouldn’t have been surprising: every year is so uniquely […]